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BP Natural®

Support for Healthy Blood Pressure Already in the Normal Range

BP Natural®

Support for Healthy Blood Pressure Already in the Normal Range
120 Capsules
Availability In Stock
Nutritional support for healthy blood pressure already in the normal range, endothelial function, and cardiovascular health.
Recommendations :
Two capsules in the morning and two capsules before bedtime or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Two capsules supply:
Ingredients :
IngredientsAmountDaily Value
Pomella® Pomegranate Extract (30% Punicalagins)400 mg
Curcumin C3 Complex®375 mg
MegaNatural®-BP Grape Seed Extract (90% Polyphenols)150 mg
Japanese Knotweed Root Extract65 mg
Resveratrol (from Japanese Knotweed)13 mg
Other Ingredients :
Gelatin, rice flour, and vegetable lubricant.
Storage Statement :
Allergan Statement :
If you are pregnant or nursing consult your healthcare practitioner before use.
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